Please see our Newsletter for current Mass times.
Sacred Heart |
St John Stone |
Saturday | 5.30pm Mass 1st Mass of Sunday |
9.30am Morning Prayer |
Sunday | 10.30am Mass with Choir | |
Monday | 9.30am Morning Prayer | |
Tuesday | 9.30am Morning Prayer10am Mass | |
Wednesday | 9.30am Morning Prayer11-12 Church open for private prayer 12 noon Mass |
Thursday | 9.30am Morning Prayer 10am Mass in Red Room then Adoration till 11am |
Friday | 9.30am Morning Prayer10am Mass | |
Weekday Mass times may change if there is a Requiem Mass.
The current week’s Masses are shown in the Parish Newsletter.
Weekday Mass may be replaced by Liturgy of Word & Communion if a priest is unavailable.
HeartStone Baptism Enquiry Form
Baptisms can be arranged by telephoning the Parish Office on 01704 577722. NB: Two Godparents are needed, at least one of whom must be Catholic.