Jesus Christ is uniting our community of HeartStone in its Vision and Mission so that all might find a place of welcome, prayer and loving outreach when in need.
We are living our Parish Vision through commitments to
Servants of Christ’s Kingdom: RECEIVING OUR PARISH VISION
This statement of Vision has come from reflection, prayer and discernment among the listening and sharing of all participating parishioners.
We review how we are doing, and the statement, at Pentecost Time.
Please continue to pray the Prayer for Mission in our Time and Place.
“….with Jesus Christ at the centre…united in vision and mission…so that all might find a place of …prayer…”
Many people spoke in the Listening Process glad of an “increase” in spirituality, the need for it, and involvement of more people in sharing it and nurturing it in each other. What is spirituality?
Being a disciple of Christ is what makes our spirituality distinctively Christian and for each this involves and demands a dialogue with:
- our Catholic Tradition contacted and engaged with principally through the Liturgy: the word means “the work of the people”, our ways of connecting with the work of God among us and in the world
- human life today in our context: discerning the “signs of the times” and what God urges us to be involved in through what happens in life around us
- personal prayer and learning: the growing, changing life of soul with our ways of prayer, reflection, happenings and grace that leads us personally or in groups deeper into the life of a “servant of Christ’s Kingdom”. Christian Spirituality always means being bodily as well as “spiritual”.
The Liturgical Year Cycle is the main way as a parish we are fed spiritually: do we still want a group preparing for each season?
The Sacraments are essential means for growing together in faith: the Vocation to be a Christian through Baptism – the life led by the Holy Spirit through Confirmation – the Vocation to Wedded Life and Parenthood – Family Spirituality e.g. “Home is a Holy Place” – the Spirituality of Healing: spiritual growth, Reconciliation, mental health and physical well-being all integral to self-worth – the spirituality of ageing, and approaching death – the spirituality of the cross, grieving and transcending fear and death.
The Word of God is our wisdom and guidance: through using and sharing Scripture, praying the Psalms and discerning God’s Word to us personally through our experience of life, pleasant or suffering.
“Catechesis” is about sharing living faith, witness and knowledge so that others can “catch” the faith. It is often misunderstood as just “teaching” or “information”: it is much more than just facts, even from “the Catechism”. We are blessed with good catechists serving the children in Liturgy of the Word, and will extend this ministry for adults in the RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults) – parents requesting Christening, as well as catechesis for lifelong learning and conversion.
Faith-sharing is a marvellous help for mutual support, realistic growth: some have already done the Living Christ Retreat which starts you off, and the next Living Christ Retreat is in April 2023. Do ask when the next one will be: [email protected]
Our GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) group meets every first Thursday of the month in St John Stone’s Red Room.
Ways of Praying: there are many represented among us, and room for them. As well as devotions – including Divine Mercy, Rosary, Saints, Sacred Heart etc. – we also offer Adoration time and Practical Prayer. Different schools of spirituality can help different temperaments: Carmelite, Augustinian, Ignatian etc.
The Mass is central to our spiritual growth as a community, as well as personal following of Christ the Way, Truth and Life. Modern improvements have already been received through Archdiocesan authorities; we will extend and improve the leadership uniting music ministry as a valuable contribution to spirituality.