Liverpool Synod recommendations were voted on by Synod members in June 2021, and the outcome has been formed into a Pastoral Plan:
The challenge is enormous but we know that while a cold wind puts out a small fire, it only fans the flames of a great one, making it into a blazing beacon.
The plan is devised of three sections:
- Christ at the centre – our theological underpinnings
- Four signposts to the future
- Six areas of development:
- Becoming a Church that accompanies people through life
- Becoming a Church that honours the vocation of all the baptised
- Becoming a Church where synodality is embedded
- Becoming a Church that renews its organisational structures and administers its property to serve its mission
- Becoming a Church where young people and young adults flourish
- Becoming a Church that cares for its priests
Click here to view the full Pastoral Plan | Click here to listen to the Pastoral Plan
Lord, I thank you for the wonder of my being, and for all the goodness in my life.
I thank you that you have called and gifted me that I might make a difference in the world in which you have placed me.
Open my heart more fully to your Spirit, that I may rejoice in all that you have done and will do in me and through me.