Churches Together in Ainsdale is a fellowship of Christian Communities in the Ainsdale area of Southport .
It aims to promote greater understanding between Christians of different traditions and to encourage, wherever possible and desirable, joint prayer, worship, witness and social activity.
United in the gospel of Jesus Christ, we have regular meetings of representatives from the various churches and the ministers also enjoy their fellowship meetings.
Together, we engage in events and projects to support the local community – such as Ainsdale Community Care and Ainsdale Food Bank.
Churches Together in Ainsdale (CTiA) work in co-operation and share worship between the various Christian churches of Ainsdale. The churches involved are: Ainsdale Village Church, Methodist Church, Sacred Heart RC Church and St John’s Stone RC Church (also known as HeartStone), and St John’s C of E Church.
There are various joint services, meetings and activities throughout the year.
Churches Together in Ainsdale’s Covenant
There has been a covenant of co-operation and shared worship between the various Christian churches of Ainsdale for over 25 years. In addition to the two Catholic Churches of Sacred Heart and St John Stone, the other signatories to the covenant are St John’s C of E, the Methodist churches, United Reform and Baptist communities.
There are various joint services, meetings and activities throughout the year with special events during the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity in January, and a Lent Safari culminating in a daybreak ecumenical service on Ainsdale beach.
We renew our Ecumenical Covenant every five years (last renewed March 2021).
Lord, take us from where we are to where you want us to be.
Make us not just guardians of a heritage but living signs of your presence.
Fill us with the faith, hope and love that embodies the Gospel;
and through the power of the Holy Spirit make us one so that the world may believe
and that your Church may be able to preach the Gospel more effectively.
We commit ourselves to love you, serve you and follow you as pilgrims, not as strangers.
Sacred Heart parish reps: Gerard Lavin – further CTiA representative needed
St John Stone parish reps: two St John Stone parish CTiA representative are needed…. could you volunteer? Contact [email protected]