The Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation along with Baptism and Eucharist (Holy Communion). In Confirmation God confirms your Baptism. When you receive your Confirmation you recite your baptismal promises and are anointed with holy oil (called Chrism). With Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist you are fully initiated into the Faith.
Teenage Confirmation
Many Catholics were baptised as babies and are later confirmed during the teenage years. In the Archdiocese of Liverpool the time of Confirmation is in Year 8 where young people are prepared in Catholic schools and in their local parishes. The school curriculum and a school mission prepare young people for their Confirmation along with parish and Pastoral Area meetings. A bishop is the usual minister of Confirmation and will visit parishes and Pastoral Areas to confirm.
- If you are in Year 7 or Year 8 at a non-Catholic school and would like to be confirmed, please contact the HeartStone parish office about Confirmation preparation.
Diocesan information about Confirmation of teenagers and registration for Confirmation can be found at
The Diocesan Confirmation scheme for young people is coordinated by Animate Youth Ministries
Adult Confirmation
Adults who have not been confirmed are welcome to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation as well! Confirmation of adults usually takes place at the Easter Vigil in the parish and with the Parish Priest confirming.
If you are an adult who missed out on your Confirmation please phone the parish office (01704 577722) to learn more about being confirmed at HeartStone.